
Posts Tagged ‘Friendly bartender’

sleep deprivation, yee haw!

September 7, 2012 2 comments

I did two overnights for work this week and it totally messed me up.  I worked from 9pm to 8:15 am yesterday and when I got home I couldn’t sleep.  I snuck in maybe an hour and half before the UPS guy woke me up.

Hosehead pissed me off.  It was his typical BS and I wasn’t in the mood.  I’m not a phone sex operator, buddy, I just told you I haven’t slept in 24 hours and it’s been over 12 since I ate last ate. Quit asking me about my damn underwear…. but he’s clueless.  I should honestly edit up the conversation because bob and weave out of  the “sexy talk” he tries to start is pretty funny.

I finally went to go eat around 7pm thinking a beer and burger might just do the trick.  I was also annoyed with The Russian.  I hadn’t heard a peep out of him in days…… 6 of them to be exact before he texted me Weds night with a yo.  Yo? Because I was working I didn’t answer him immediately so then he sent me a frown.  You’re going to frown because I don’t answer your text that you sent a half an hour ago when I haven’t heard from you in days?!? I asked him what the frowny face was about and he eventually answered me that he was “just joking” Sure that why right that you posted something to facebook about things being no bueno. I asked him if he wanted to hang out, it was getting pretty late at this point and he said he wasn’t in the mood.  So totally sleep deprived and slightly drunk I laid it out for him. “I’m not super happy with our arrangement.”  I’m not a friends with bennies person.  I’ve tried, I feel guilty locking lips with someone else when there is someone I’m sleeping with. I told him we should stop seeing each other. So yea, end of the story there.  No hard feelings, it’s just over.

Totally ended up making out with Friendly Bartenders roommate, he who randomly showed up at my house at 11pm that one time. I don’t know why, I’m not even into him.

Actually I’m tired of the majority of the guys who have crossed my path of late…… so I think I might have to go back to that whole not dating thing again.

What fresh hell is this?

November 14, 2011 Leave a comment

Phew…. where to start? I was trying to recall exactly where I had left you all in the farce I’m now calling my life…… oh, right.  I had totally pissed off Can You Hear Me Now?  I was perfectly OK with this turn of events.

I accepted a hang out with Vader knowing full well I was not interested in him in the least.  He had asked me to hang out no less than three times in three days and I finally caved.  I explained to him that we could not go where I normally hang out (he hangs out there on occasion as well) due to awkwardness with CYHMN.  So we went somewhere else and were having a nice time talking, but like I said, not interested in the least.  In the middle of chatting DD Friend texts me that she is having an awful day so I arrange to meet her at our normal place.  CYHMN be damned.  Vader’s brother meets up with us and we go to meet up with DD Friend.  Before she can make it who shows up?  CYHMN.  It looks bad.  His roommate Friendly Bartender is working and there I am with not one but two guys and no DD Friend in sight.  CYHMN is working hard to ignore me, almost as hard as I’m working to ignore him when DD Friend finally makes the scene.  Vader and his brother take off after hanging with us for awhile.

Just in time for CYHMN to start chatting up two girls directly across the bar from us.  Now I know I’m an ass and all, but really?  This goes on for awhile I as discreetly as possibly fill in the details of my situation with CYHMN to her.  I decide to be the bigger person (I refuse to admit his ploy was working) and in passing apologize for being an ass.  He proceeds to leave with the two girls he had been talking to.  And God love DD Friend if she doesn’t text Friendly Bartender to comment about “his boy” and “her girl”… and how “his boy” just screwed up.  Considering I was never all that into him anyhow this was a complete deal breaker for me.  Not DD Friend texting, him leaving with two other girls.

She and I manage to get ourselves quite tipsy while waiting for her hopefully future boyfriend…. who never showed up.

Somewhere in that week I managed to slide into a pretty good funk where I stopped leaving the house unless I absolutely had to.  I guess I’m still working on assimilating who TGTBT is as opposed to who I thought he was.

DD Friend left town for vacation so I was on my own.  I managed to make a date, with a satanist.  This is when I learned they don’t actually worship the devil, even better they don’t actually believe in the devil.  Who knew?  Nice guy actually, wanted to go out with me again and everything.  And then promptly fell off the face of the Earth.  I was a little concerned about him being deathly allergic to dairy and what that might do in a relationship so it’s really better that way. Somewhere in all this The Squid did get me to leave the house and have meatballs at Ikea.

I managed to fit in two solo trips to the local watering hole when I started leaving the house again.  Upon the first one (hot on the heels of the date with the satanist) Friendly Bartender informs me that I just missed CYHMN.  My response was to roll my eyes and comment on my deep sadness over this.  He mentioned in passing it was probably good that CYHMN took off with those girls because one of them tried to pick a fight with Friendly Bartender’s girlfriend at another bar.  Oops.  On my other outing I met the third roommate Dr. Scrubs. (DD Friend hit the trifecta and has made out with all of them, though she doesn’t remember making out with CYHMN on her birthday.  I witnessed it so we know it happened.)

I spent most of this weekend in, with no DD Friend to hang out with I filled my weekend with crafting for Christmas presents and ‘experiments’.  In the middle of one of these ‘experiments’ last night where I was emailing with no less than 5 guys at a time there is a knock on my bedroom window.

I don’t live in the best complex so this pretty much gave me a heart attack.  I tried to ignore it until curiosity got the best of me.  I went into the living room to peak out the window and who is standing at my front door?  CYHMN…… it’s 11:30 at night.  I’m in my pajamas. With no makeup on.  At least I had showered……. but still, weird.  He mentions not having my number, hence the drop by.  The whole thing is strange and uncomfortable.  I make him take me out somewhere in the neighborhood that is not where we normally go.

We actually had a pretty good time.  He’s persistent, if nothing else.  He brings out this stubborn streak in me, where everything he wants me to do  makes me want to do the complete opposite.  That, and he wants to cuddle which makes me want to gnaw off my own arm.  You can bet this is not going to end well.


Can’t you all just go away?

November 5, 2011 Leave a comment

I thought the emotional upheaval of once again booting TGTBT out of my life deserved a post of it’s own, before I got into my dating roll call.

The History Teacher just stopped talking to me.  It’s okay, he was an awful kisser.  Cool guy, bad kisser.

The Lumberjack has not texted me nor have I texted him….. trust me, after his fumbling attempts at third base I never want to see him again.

Then there is Vader.  I haven’t mentioned Vader before because honestly it wasn’t a thing.  It’s still not a thing, we just email back and forth.  I actually don’t even know what he looks like.  Only now he knows what I look like.  He had asked about my costume for Halloween so I sent him a picture.  He’s now asked me to hang out every night since Thursday.  I don’t know if I want to go or not. I still feel kind of awful from yesterday.

And the kicker?  We’ll call him Can You Hear Me Now?  Remember when I said you don’t give your friend a tiara on her birthday because then people buy her lots of shots and she gets smashed.  There is that part when she ends up making out with a guy in driveway?  Yea, let’s rewind to that…… after DD Friend was having a slumber in my bathroom.  Can You Hear Me Now? says “She kissed me.  I didn’t kiss her.”  I was a little slow and didn’t really put two and two together.  I kind of put it together when he went to leave and sort tried to kiss me.  I honestly didn’t make anything of it.  I figured he was drunk and just looking for some action.  We ran into him on Halloween we were at the bar and he was playing trivia across the room.  But I kept catching him staring at either me or DD Friend…… all night.

And then we get to Thursday when it all came together….. DD Friend was in for the night and I was restless (This was pre snapping at TGTBT that happened later.) so I headed down to the bar for a drink.  I am greeted by our Friendly Bartender who starts chatting with me about how I’ve been.  Later I put together the pieces Can You Hear Me Now?  is the Friendly Bartender’s roommate.  Friendly Bartender, just after I got there, had his cellphone out, which I have never seen him have his phone out at the bar.  A half an hour later Can You Hear Me Now? shows up, nonchalantly steps to the stool next to mine and says “Is this seat taken?” and then fakes surprise when he sees it’s me.  We chat for a bit and when I go to close out he offers me a ride home.  We get to my house, we talk, he tries to kiss me I say no because he made out with my friend (knowing full well that DD Friend doesn’t care in the least) I did end up kissing him and it wasn’t bad.  He takes direction well but I was kind of bitchy.  I called him out on staring at me all night on Halloween, which he admitted, but at this point I still hadn’t put together that Friendly Bartender had texted him to tell him I was there.  I called him out that he has a crush on me.  And then, well I was really bitchy about something stupid.  And he left.  I’m pretty sure he is no longer interested in me.  Which is good, because I’m kind of a mess and he’s persistent and this could only lead to bad things.  Oddly enough DD Friend is gung ho about he and I seeing each other.  I am not.  Hence why it’s not going to happen.


So yea, that’s the round up oh and The Fifth texted me the other day how he misses talking to me….. but after he creeped me out with the future boyfriend thing I’m wary about even striking up a friendship with him.